Commander Identifies Gold Zone at Sabin Property, Ontario

January 15, 2021 Download PDF

VANCOUVER, BC - Commander Resources Ltd. ("Commander") (CMD:TSX-V) is pleased to provide results from a sampling program on the Sabin zinc-copper-silver-gold volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) project (the “Sabin Property”) located in northwest Ontario, Canada, some ten kilometres north of the community of Savant Lake. Work was conducted in the fall of 2020 and focused on first pass prospecting of conductor targets identified from a recent VTEM survey completed in late 2018. The project is primarily centred on extensive VMS- style alteration and mineralization however work during this program identified a bulk tonnage-style gold target within the Patterson Lake Stock where sampling returned gold values up to 1.4 g/t from grab samples.


  • Continued follow-up sampling of airborne conductors identified in recent VTEM Plus survey
  • New gold zone sampled at Quarry Showing within the Paterson Lake Stock (high sample 1.4 g/t gold)
  • High gold and zinc values returned from newly sampled Hadley showing. (high sample 4.25 g/t gold, 10.4% zinc)

The Sabin property is in the Sturgeon Lake greenstone belt which is host to significant polymetallic VMS deposits and past-producing mines some 60 km to the south. This work program, completed in fall 2020, was an ongoing follow-up of the recently completed VTEM Plus airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey which identified a significant number of high priority conductors throughout the property. The Sabin property is underlain by intermediate and minor felsic volcanic units that exhibit widespread alteration comprised of garnet, staurolite, sillimanite and sericite metamorphic mineralogy typical of metamorphosed VMS environments. The Quarry Showing is a new occurrence not previously sampled by Commander and opens the potential for intrusion-hosted orogenic gold mineralization within the large Patterson Lake Stock. (Figure 1, link above)

Quarry Showing

The Quarry showing was a documented gold occurrence with limited historical work comprising surface sampling and 2 short, small-diameter (winkie) prospecting holes. Exposure is limited to the bottom of a gravel pit and only about 10-15 m of strike is exposed and a minimum width of 25-35 m. The target is coincident with a single VTEM conductor within a broader area of low resistivity. The showing, hosted within a granodiorite, comprises sheeted intensely altered (quartz-sericite-pyrite-iron carbonate) shear zones with extension quartz veins emanating from the shears.

Five grab samples of the exposure were collected and returned gold values from 36 ppb to 1410 ppb with anomalous zinc and silver. Compilation of historical sampling indicates a larger footprint of some 300 metres although similar resistivity features elsewhere indicate potential for additional zones. Historical sampling, unverified by Commander, includes a short hole grading 0.50 g/t gold over 10 m and local grab samples up to 4.1 g/t gold. (Figure 1, link above)

Hadley Showing

Several samples were collected from the Hadley showing, a historical Zn-Cu-Ag-Pb occurrence discovered and owned by a prospector from 1971 up until recently when Commander acquired it through staking. Located in an outcrop beside Hwy 599, it is a 1 m wide breccia zone of angular galena-sphalerite-chalcopyrite bearing chert and massive sphalerite-galena clasts within an intensely silicified chlorite-actinolite matrix. It is 5 metres along strike in outcrop before descending below cover and is within a package of intensely altered metavolcanic rocks indicative of a VMS exhalite horizon. Samples collected by Commander in 2020 returned up to 4.3 g/t Au, 10.4% Zn, 4.7% Pb, and 53.5 g/t Ag and from a massive sulphide clast.

Robert Cameron, President and CEO of Commander comments, “Our follow-up sampling of VTEM targets at Sabin continue to highlight the high precious metal endowment of the extensive VMS mineralization. Furthermore, the gold zone at the Quarry Showing is significant and opens a large area for exploration that has not been previously explored. Prospecting of the large Patterson lake Stock within areas of low resistivity will be a prime focus of 2021 work.”

Future work planned for 2021 at Sabin will include an expanded prospecting and sampling program, in particular as a follow-up to the new Quarry showing. A program of induced polarization (IP) surveying will also be initiated over the Quarry zone as well as select areas elsewhere including the Kash, Golsil and Marchington zones. As a prospect generator the Company will also seek exploration partnerships to help advance our projects to discovery.

Commander (formerly Major General) acquired the property through a purchase agreement with UMEX in 1990 and holds a 100% interest in the property except for two small internal claim parcels that are subject to a participating interest with Glencore Canada Corporation (formerly Noranda) who currently hold 41.5% and 33.3%. UMEX retains a 2.5% NSR over the core of the property that would be reduced to 1% following $225,000 of royalty payments.


Grab rock samples are selective by nature and may not represent the true grade or style of mineralization. Samples were collected in the field by Stephen Wetherup P. Geo. Analytical work was completed by Activation Laboratories in Dryden, Ontario. Gold was analyzed by fire assay fusion of a 30-gram aliquot and other elements by ICP-MS from a 4-acid digestion.

Robert Cameron, P. Geo. is a qualified person within the context of National Instrument 43-101 and has read and takes responsibility for the technical aspects of this release.

About Commander Resources:

Commander Resources is a Canadian focused exploration company that has leveraged its success in exploration through partnerships and sale of properties, while retaining equity and royalty interests. Commander has a portfolio of base and precious metal projects across Canada. Commander also retains royalties from properties that have been partnered, optioned or sold.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Robert Cameron, P. Geo.

President and CEO

For further information, please call:

Robert Cameron, President and CEO

Toll Free: 1-800-667-7866

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